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1. What did I plan to do?
2. What did I do?
3. Brief description of the activities (include photos, notes, sketches, working docs, and deliverables...whatever you created. Document both the output AND the process.)
4. What worked well?
5. What would I do differently next time?
6. What surprised me (excited me, freaked me out, thrilled me)
7. What I plan to do next week.

1. What did I plan to do?

- Interview people as scheduled;
- Schedule more interviews.

2. What did I actually do?

- Interviewed one person;
- Scheduled two more interviews;
- Sent a facebook post to recruit more people.

3. Brief description of the activities (include photos, notes, sketches, working docs and deliverables...whatever you created. Document both the output AND the process.)

Liam and I interviewed 1 person in the end. Even though we sent out all people that we knew for the interview, we ended up just getting one person signed up.

Due to the NDA, Liam ask me to review the interview notes together before I share it to the public, I think it would be better if I finished more interviews and then update the summary together.

4. What worked well?

Our interviewee shared a lot of insightful thoughts and his personal experiences. We are starting to understand parents' perspective, which is very important to the MVP. We recorded the Zoom chat, and we also have our audio transcript :)

5. What would I do differently next time?

I think just time management... We thought it might be easy to recruit people as we have 60+ contacts, but actually just one person responded.

6. What surprised me (excited me, freaked me out, thrilled me)

We are aiming to talk to 5-10 parents, but it seems like everyone is in different timezone. Plus, parents have their own work and life, it's hard to schedule time with them.

7. What I plan to do next week.

- We have 2 more interviews scheduled, and Liam is sending more invitations to people. So hopefully we will get more people signed up!
- I will look at our previous beta testing recording and critique about the current MVP.
- After that, I will help the team propose another MVP based on competitive analysis and primary research results.