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1. What did I plan to do?
2. What did I do?
3. Brief description of the activities (include photos, notes, sketches, working docs, and deliverables...whatever you created. Document both the output AND the process.)
4. What worked well?
5. What would I do differently next time?
6. What surprised me (excited me, freaked me out, thrilled me)
7. What I plan to do next week.

1. What did I plan to do?

- Prep Interview script;
- Update Liam available time for interviews;
- Schedule mock up interviews.

2. What did I actually do?

- Prep Interview script;
‍- Sent out availabilities to Liam;
- Scheduled interview with Tim for next week.

3. Brief description of the activities (include photos, notes, sketches, working docs and deliverables...whatever you created. Document both the output AND the process.)

Since we ended up with sending personal messages to people and scheduling interview times, we didn't get qualitative information from our participants. I wrapped surveys question with interview questions a little bit. The goal for this interview study is to understand parents' behaviors and the problems statement the team defined previously.

Final Interview script link:

4. What worked well?

When I was writing the interview script, I related my previous internship experience at NETGEAR — I was responsible for the Job-To-Be-Done Interview with our customers.

5. What would I do differently next time?

I aware a lot of problems of the timeline that I wrote weeks ago. Maybe I should be more aware of unforeseen situations such as recruiting and scheduling process.

6. What surprised me (excited me, freaked me out, thrilled me)

I think things are going well... but I hope the onboarding process can be faster.
Since I am only available to help Liam 5-7 hours every week, and I can only work remotely, these two factors make me feel that It's not easy for both him and me to balance our time and included. But I hope I can know more about how the team makes decisions (no matter business or design), and learn more from their growth.

7. What I plan to do next week.

I will have a call with Liam tomorrow noon, during the call we will discuss our current progress and plan for the next week.
But from our last conversation, I will kick off interviews with parents very soon! Yay!