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1. What did I plan to do?
2. What did I do? Brief description of the activities (include photos, notes, sketches, working docs, and deliverables...whatever you created. Document both the output AND the process.)
3. What worked well?
4. What would I do differently next time?
5. What I plan to do next week.

1. What did I plan to do?

- Iterate teen's and mom's persona;
- Finalize the task flow;
- Unify the UI component.

2. What did I actually do & Brief description of the activities (include photos, notes, sketches, working docs and deliverables...whatever you created. Document both the output AND the process.)

- Reviewed and updated teen's and mom's persona:
- Drafted out the task flow:
- Collected some UI inspirations and learned gamification design

3. What worked well?

I think task flow is finalized and I am ready to design the UI component for it.

4. What would I do differently next time?

I was out of town for three days due to Thanksgiving. Hopefully I did some work during the trip : (

7. What I plan to do next week.

Finalize the design and make the task flow digital. Wrap up research for the final presentation.